

noCUBE 001
by Trond Hugo Haugen (NO)
Released: May 2002
Edition: 250
English title: The Boring Work Of Art
Pages: 96 pages
Dimensions: 34x22 cm
Cover: Board
Binding: Sewn Bound
Process: Offset, Black-and-White



"This book of black-and-white drawings from Norwegian artist Trond Hugo Haugen tells the fanciful story of a work of art that was bored one day and flew out the window, dragging the world - attached by a kind of umbilical cord/electric cable - behind it. The world's travels are documented in four chapters of drawings with a short Norwegian text translated into English."

Synopsis from printedmatter.org






Norwegian Text: English Translation:



Det Kjedelige Kunstverket The Boring Work Of Art



Eller kunstverket som kjedet seg; Or the work of art that was bored;
et utsnitt av en hittil uforløst historie, an extract from a so far untold story,
et sagn eller aller helst en fabel, a legend – or better still a fable,
kort fortellende læresetning, a short narrative tale
om kunstverket som kjedet seg about the work of art that was bored
og fløy av sted med kloden på slep? and flew off dragging the globe behind it.



Hvorfor kjedet kunstverket seg, Why was the work of art bored?
var det ensomt, kanskje glemt? Did it feel lonely – or forgotten?
Kjeder all kunst seg? Does all art feel bored?
Hva opplevde kloden på sin ferd, What did the globe experience on its journey,
hva så den? what did it see?



Og kloden, hva skjedde med den? And the globe – what happened to it?
Har verden forandret seg? Has the world changed?
Påvirker det deg? Has it had any effect on you?
Lar du deg påvirke?

Do you let yourself be affected?