noCUBE 008
by Jon Eriksen (SE)
Release: Torpedo - Oslo, 9 October 2008
Edition: 300
Pages: 80 pages
Dimensions: 11 x 17,5 cm
Cover: Hardback
Binding: Sewn Bound
Process: Offset-printed, Black-and-White
Price 32 EUR + shipping
Deliverance consists
of more than three hundred distilled descriptions of violent scenes from horror films. In the
texts all individual characters and motivations have been abandoned. What remains are only
the physical acts of violence, detached climaxes.
Jon Eriksen has worked
mainly with video for the past several years. His main focus has been on
extreme cultures and his silent video installations have been dominated by
collisions, noise theory, and overdrive aestethics.
The artist’s book
Deliverance is the newest addition to a series of works in which Eriksen
works with subtle undercurrents in horror literature and film. The book consists
of more than three hundred distilled descriptions of violent scenes from
horror films. The book is a methodical and reductive project that exposes some
of the most fundamental parameters in violent film; in the texts all
individual characters and motivations have been abandoned. What remains
are only the physical acts of violence, detached climaxes.
The selection of scenes
and the dry tone of the book highlight some of the inherent themes and
the basic problematics of these films. The work talks about the motivations,
compulsions and transformative potential of violent aesthetics.
The result is simultaneously poetic and appalling.
The title is a direct reference
to the seminal feature film by the same name. The film shares many
points of interest with with Eriksen’s artwork; the film is characterized
by its brutal and explicit violence and by an archetypical
construction and theatrical, epic grandeur – themes Eriksen explores
in this book and in other recent work.
Eriksens’ book, as
his earlier production, is also in all its intensity tinted by a fascination
for the fragile beauty of breakdown and collapse.
Page 44 from Deliverance
Av: Andreas Tylden – Publisert: 12.11.2008 - NATT&DAG 2008
Bitte, bittelille No Cube – kunstforlagenes
svar på Ebullition
Records, når nye høyder hva litterære utgivelser
angår. Noen vil kanskje påstå, nådd bunnen,
vurdert ut ifra forlagets noe obskure backkatalog, poenget ligger
nok heller i en rekke oppsiktsvekkende utgivelser, på kanten
av populærkulturens altfor mangfoldige felt.
Multikunsteren Jon Eriksen, en svenske med norsk etternavn, bosatt
i Usa, står for forlagets siste utgivelse, Deliverance. En samling
historier der blodet flyter. Bokstavelig tatt. Horror og splatterfanatikere:
quizboka deres har kommet! Deliverance innholder hele tre hundre drapsscener
hentet fra filmverdenen, beskrevet ned til minste detalj. Ingen fasit
riktignok. Bare blod og innvoller. Eksklusivt.
”The man breaks the bottle and shoves it into the other
man´s throat. The injured man falls to the ground. Blood pours
from the broken neck of the bottle sticking out from his throat. The
other man takes out his machete and starts cutting the injured man”
Langt i fra hverdagskost der man kan spørre, hva i helvete
er poenget? Om det er et i det hele tatt. Som om goresjangeren ikke
er smal nok fra før av. Bokens utvalgte scener belyser sjangerens
hårreisende, tørre tone, der temaene i seg selv har en
grunnleggende problemstilling. Selv hevder Eriksen boken omhandler
den samme problematikken, som filmen med samme navn (Deliverance,
Filmen karakteriseres gjennom sin voldelige, uttrykkelige brutalitet
der det episk teatralske og grandiose møtes i skjønn
forening. Resultatet i bokform er simultant poetisk og frastøtende
skrekkfullt. Merkelig nok. En fin liten innbundet sak, med særdeles
ufint innhold.
Release: Torpedo - Oslo, 9 October 2008